Monday, December 12, 2011

Ranch Hunt...

..."Part 1"


First of all, let me apologise for my last 'abreviated post' where some of you likely reached a blank page this week; if coming off another blogs' link...

- Reason for this was kinda cool, for me at least, as the last photo essay I posted only lasted a couple days before thankfully I was contacted 'via email' with someone wanting to buy it (the photos); on the condition they be "originals" as far as the internet goes; so I was forced to pull them.

Hey man's gotta eat and I'm as broke as they come these days.

So this' is whats left of that Photo-Essay...LOL

More than a few caught the original pics on that Sunday I posted it, and even a couple actually "commmented"; which I always appreciate (even though doing-so is a huge headache, I understand; given the spam blocking requirements on these blogs).

It was a fun time for sure, for both me and the girls, and we did it again the next week as well (Part 2 coming soon)...

We'll all see those pics again come February I hope, and nobody will be too concerned about this I'm sure cept me...till the check arrives as payment (to heat my single-wide that is).

A special thank you to Alex for inviting me both times (part 1 & 2); as it makes living in Montana during Decemeber bearable; knowing 'we'll hit the ranch a few times after birds'..every year!!

Where was this guy hiding all season..?

On private land of course.



  1. Can you give us a hint where we might find these mystery pics come February?

  2. Hi Mark,

    At this time I cannot. Its a new publication in development devoted to Montana sporting activities. However, I follow your blog and may be in touch to see if you wish to contribute as well; since my involvement has now expanded along editorial lines.


  3. Look forward to seeing it, keep in touch-

  4. Miss you on Woody's. It's been a while. How can I keep up with your new Blog@?
