Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unseasonably Fun...

Mild Winters in Montana make for trips to the Missouri in January, Lower Madison in February, and a even plans for floating the Yellowstone here in early March.

I mean why not, there's no snow in the valley to speak of and the girls can stay out all day as temps are in the 50's. However, thankfully up high in the mountains to the south we do have good snow-pack and many areas are at 90 to 100%; so this season should turnout well water wise.

Moe on the "MO" (with friends)

Lower Madison (aka "Slower Madison") on this particular day at least. Wind was 50 plus I'm betting; so we didn't stay out too long, but still nice to be on a river in February.

And last but not least a little Puppy Time..

One of my buddy's has a cute 8 month old GSP and we get her together with my own whenever we can ; so she's well acquainted with them in anticipation of next hunting season.

"Intro to water 101", tutoring by my very own river rats...


And then "Intro to cow turds" too in the back pasture..

A little discipline when needed to keep the new kid in line (check out Suzie's snarl)LOL


All in all, fun times here in Montana and not as usual; since winters usually drive me insane. But not this one; in fact I have plans to hit a couple more rivers this week and next.



Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Good Year...

All in all I cant complain. While it was a tough one for most everyone else I talked to; for me it was about the best one I can recall in at least ten.

I had a steady job at a fly shop I loved, which gave me just the right amount of time-off to use the new boat, and float down area rivers over 40 times.

I visited several new waters and stretches I'd not fished before, and met dozens of new fishing friends in the process.

..When hunting season came I got out about as often as I wanted and even though we didn't get an elk or big buck; me and the girls bagged plenty of birds and visited all corners of this great state while 'seeing and photographing' some neat things along the way.

On our very last trip of the year the weather was also about perfect, an odd and sunny 38 degrees on January one, but a little windier than I would have prefered...(gusts of 40 plus).

Oh it was a long way for only one rooster, but the girls pointed several hens and we had a pretty neat time together exploring some new ground.

I usually dont like to think' about such things, but its safe to say for every bird we bagged this season, we logged at least 50 miles-per... and I couldn't help but do so on the long ride back...

We certainly didn't get them all and left some for next year I think its safe to say; these late-season birds flushed a hundred yards out on at least three occasions.


Still, I found this past year to be about near perfect, and just what I imagined they'd all be like when I moved out here some 3.5 ago.

They haven't all been so swell, but I have even higher hopes for this next year; so we shall see...?

"High-five Suzie!"

The dawn of a new day in 2012...

Here's hoping yours' is a great one too!
